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name: Cody & Heather
location: For now: Juneau, AK.
Vocation: Him: Entrepreneur, IT Support & Photographer. Her: UAS Advising Staff turned retired young!
Activities: Us: being married (it rocks). Him: technology, photography & playing ultimate. Her: dancing, cooking, being healthy & learning about everything she can!
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Tag Archives: hallmark
To Go or Not to Go
Where to even begin… This Friday I put up a Facebook status asking folks to pray while we were deciphering the last deciding elements about our pursuits of the Hallmark Institute of Photography. I was encouraged by the number of … Continue reading
Posted in our relationship, planning, Reflection, the blog
Tagged decision, family, future, hallmark, school
Blown Out
I’m going to try to write this in the first person as though it was the end of Tuesday around 5pm after meeting with the school staff and faculty. I know it’s really started Thursday morning, and I’ve travelled across … Continue reading
Posted in Reflection, the blog
Tagged campus tour, hallmark, housing, reflection, tour, visit, work review
Comments Off on Blown Out
I offer my standard disclaimer, which I seem to have offered dozens of times during my visit to campus. I tend to collect information furiously, ponder, consider, work through the emotions (fear/anxiety/etc) then decide. Once the decision is made, action … Continue reading
After a quick stop for some pizza with Katie in Southbridge, MA., I headed up to Turners Falls. As I was in the midst of trying not to get lost when I first heard the directions to the place I’m … Continue reading
En Route Pros/Cons
I’m sitting on a sparsely populated 737-400 headed to Seattle for the night. Tomorrow it’s on to Boston and eventually Turners Falls, MA. for a visit to the Hallmark Institute of Photography. Observations, tours, and questions will abound. Much to … Continue reading
Posted in Reflection, the blog
Tagged boston, hallmark, pros and cons, reflection, travel, turners falls