Getting Configured

[singlepic id=8 w=200 h=200 mode=web20 float=right] Wow. Technology is complex. I’m not sure how people who understand this stuff get it done. I’ve spent the last couple hours fiddling with this site trying to get the magic of subscriptions set up and through the various options, widgets, plugins, utilities, and functionalities, I think I’m getting there.

So, subscribe already! I’ll keep my fingers crossed (for the both of us) and hopefully it will magically work. I’m sure you’ll tell me if it doesn’t, right?

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The Route

[singlepic id=7 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=right]As you may or may not know, we’ll be road-tripping it over to Massachusetts in August. It’s a bigger trek than I’ve ever done before, though we certainly covered some miles during our honeymoon.

I’m pretty sure we’ll be travelling as straight as the crow flies. Well, at least as straight as roads and google maps suggests we can.

Here’s what google guesses to be our route. Strangely, you can’t drive from Skagway, which would be a bit more accurate (by 60 miles or so)… If you try going from Skagway to Carcross (an hour drive) it routes you through Bellingham, WA. Strange.

Anyways, click on the picture. It’s nearly 3,700 miles and suggested to be 2 days and 22 hours of driving. I’m hoping we take some extended breaks to go on a bike ride or two, and to enjoy camping along the way.

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Summertime Housing

We have been so fortunate in this adventure of heading towards school. It really reminds me at how wonderful of a community that Juneau is. Whether it’s moral support in such a daunting adventure, or something more tangible like helping us pack boxes and move out of our long standing residence, people care.

This is a quick shot of our new abode. It’s a simple room with plenty of space. And, what’s more amazing than the fact that it became available at all, is that Heather and I will be able to put any potential rent monies straight into savings. That is simply amazing.

Take a look at (my gorgeous wife posing in) the room…

[nggallery id=1]

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Our Blog

While we have kept up vague and sporadic appearances with some social networks, we (well, Cody) is really excited about maintaining a blog to share our experiences with friends and family, and to have chronicle the experience along the way. We don’t know where we’ll wind up though we do know some parts of the journey. Read on and stay tuned for more.

Oh, and I almost forgot… COMMENTS are awesome, and SUBSCRIBING is encouraged!

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Hallmark Institute of Photography

In late March I got the wild hair to look into photography schooling. It’s an unusual move considering I am well established in my various circles and don’t often find myself jumping into great unknowns. The only other time that I can really think of using the time-honored technique jump-in-and-learn-to-swim was when I decided to get engaged, and then subsequently married… oh, about a year previous. That has turned out amazing, so I’m sure this will too.

Hallmark (no, not the greeting card company) stood out from the crowd in that it is a 10 month program is designed to give aspiring photographers all of the tools and techniques necessary to pursue photography at any level.

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