My Ideal Day

This morning I woke up early again with grand designs (illusions) to head out and take more pictures of wildlife in the early morning. As well intended as I might have been, when my alarm struck at 4:00, I made the snap judgement to simply go back to bed. Fast forward 3’ish hours and I found myself awake again laying next to the love of my life. It was fun to just lay silently next to her and admire her features and serenity.

And then fast forward a bit more. I’m in the throes of my day, kicking buttocks and taking names (so far as tech support allows). During a lull, I check in with some common blogs that I follow to find the Tech Profile of Moose Peterson. Normally I don’t pay any mind to these but in this case, I knew Moose’s name as a photographer, so I read in a bit… Turns out that he describes his perfect day as “shooting, shooting, shooting with my wife beside me”… How applicable to how I feel about my wife. I could desire nothing more than having her at my side for all of my antics, even if she’s just there as an observer and not a participant.   Continue reading

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Morning Wildlife

Every once in a while I go through a dry spell of personal photography joy. Sometimes I leave my camera on the shelf forgoing any private outings just to document and capture the magic in the world around me.

I’m not sure if it’s based on anything in particular, or if it’s just being busy with other things that keep my attention else where, but nevertheless, when I realize it’s happened, I’m excited to come back.

This weekend was one of those. Continue reading

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West Glacier “PhotoHike”

Last Sunday, at the prompting of a Dutchman from L.A., I put together a “photohike” as my ongoing effort to connect photographers in Juneau. I know that it’s really just a group hike, but I encouraged photographer folks to come, so I guess that counts in my eyes.

The hike was fun, the day was beautiful, and the glacier was awesome. I got a few good pictures. I’m actually quite sore from the ordeal as we had Connor along who wasn’t quite ready for the long hike; I carried him on my shoulders for most of the trek.

There is at least one cool ice cave, and it was great to see the enjoyment from the Dutchman and others as they took in the views.

[nggallery id=4]

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Blown Out

The Administrative Office Building (AOB) -- Photo from Hallmark's Facility Website

I’m going to try to write this in the first person as though it was the end of Tuesday around 5pm after meeting with the school staff and faculty. I know it’s really started Thursday morning, and I’ve travelled across a continent and was sitting peacefully in SeaTac for the beginning, but I thought it would be a good exercise to recall the experience. It will be long and likely somewhat cathartic to write. In fact, I finished it after my return to Juneau. Please keep an eye out for a future post of that Tuesday evening. It was the yang to my yin of a day… Continue reading

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Pretty sure this is me... All day!

I offer my standard disclaimer, which I seem to have offered dozens of times during my visit to campus. I tend to collect information furiously, ponder, consider, work through the emotions (fear/anxiety/etc) then decide. Once the decision is made, action is a foregone conclusion and execution follows shortly. A great example of this was our wedding… Two weeks to ask for her hand, another seven to have it in marriage. A furious pace, but worth every exciting moment.

Anyhow, I say that because I’m going to use this post to list all of the various questions that I had jotted down in my notebook prior to visiting campus. I’m authoring this post in SeaTac, but will back-date it to tuesday morning for proper placement in the blog sequence.

Here’s the list as written, though in no particular order:

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