This morning I woke up early again with grand designs (illusions) to head out and take more pictures of wildlife in the early morning. As well intended as I might have been, when my alarm struck at 4:00, I made the snap judgement to simply go back to bed. Fast forward 3’ish hours and I found myself awake again laying next to the love of my life. It was fun to just lay silently next to her and admire her features and serenity.
And then fast forward a bit more. I’m in the throes of my day, kicking buttocks and taking names (so far as tech support allows). During a lull, I check in with some common blogs that I follow to find the Tech Profile of Moose Peterson. Normally I don’t pay any mind to these but in this case, I knew Moose’s name as a photographer, so I read in a bit… Turns out that he describes his perfect day as “shooting, shooting, shooting with my wife beside me”… How applicable to how I feel about my wife. I could desire nothing more than having her at my side for all of my antics, even if she’s just there as an observer and not a participant. Continue reading