To Go or Not to Go

Where to even begin…

This Friday I put up a Facebook status asking folks to pray while we were deciphering the last deciding elements about our pursuits of the Hallmark Institute of Photography. I was encouraged by the number of people who commented and obviously care about our plight, but more than the comments of “go!” I really was looking for prayers to help us find clarity in deciding and peace in our hearts no matter what we settled on. Friday and Saturday I scoured the numbers, ran estimates and considered the possibilities. All weekend, in every solitary moment walking to-and-fro, standing in elevators, or even going to the bathroom, I prayed also to be willing to acknowledge our answer, whether “yay” or “nay”. Thanks to those who rallied in prayer for us to reach our answer.

From the beginning, I knew that I have been closely committed to going. Heck, I moved us out of our apartment, sold or gave away an immense amount of our worldly goods and generally set my shoulder to the proverbial plow. In my mind, I had to be intense order to even possibly consider going… School had been a late-spring decision, and of course I needed to manifest the $60,000 tuition/fees, not to mention the living costs of attending within the next 3 months. Because of my all-out involvement I knew I required someone outside of my circumstances to help counsel me in the decision.

Fortunately, many years back, I was blessed to find mentors in my life who had results that I could look up to: great and growing relationships, compassion and love, servant hearts, financial independence, emotional intelligence, and a burning passion to help others. Interestingly, while I believe our meeting and connection was divinely inspired, I can be unruly and obstinate in nature. Since putting them in that mentor role, there have been countless times I’ve circumvented their opinion and advice in my decisions. This one was different though… I’m now married. I’m still learning to be a man and a husband. In this case, because my actions impact more than just myself, I knew that I couldn’t in good conscience abstain from hearing them out about my latest fancy.

In submitting my conundrum to these counselors, they, in true “it’s your choice, Cody” style, helped me see some of the jagged edges of my plans with ample opportunity for me to choose my own way. I wanted to pursue school for a variety of reasons, all valid, all “good”, but hardly any were in line with what Heather and I believe to be our purpose in life: to be financially independent in order to live a great life serving others to our fullest capacity. Because of their ability to see my circumstances from a slightly removed yet involved vantage point, I was able to see that at this point, Hallmark is primarily a selfish individual pursuit.

Thus, the final answer: Not To Go.

I gather that there are things we all hide from. Some wear elaborate masks while others run from activity to activity in order to avoid looking in the mirror and dealing with the deeper issues. I have been running from something for many years, and while I have certainly made much progress in my adult years, I’m not done fighting the dragons yet. As I turn to face the monster, it’s best that I do so from familiar ground; it’s obvious to me that if I chose to pursue something else even while bolstering my strengths, I’m still avoiding those weaknesses and of course I will still be part of the equation which has been imbalanced in the first place. To never address it is to never break through to live an amazing life serving others.

Yes, school would be fun. Yes, it’s something I could pay for without debt (and for that I’m especially proud). However, in the final analysis, it really has minimal reward for our family, both nuclear and extended. I believe that going to school at this point would be, in part, for me, a step towards cowardliness. It would, at this point, distract from our mission rather than contribute to it. I’m excited for Hallmark, but I realize that my efforts are almost wholly selfish.

It’s still likely that I’ll attend Hallmark; what better way to pursue school than as financially independent young adults who are excited about a new adventure, but have the passive income to have the comfort of knowing that our future and family are well taken care of and that it’s not some type of selfish risk, but instead a reward for being selfless and serving others.

To those who are our friends, thank you for trusting us in our decision and coming along side and offering a hug, or even better a linked arm while we pursue something greater than ourselves.


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Saint Nick

For those of you who aren’t close to me, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’ve got an older brother!  We are 6 weeks apart (same dad, different moms) and every once in a great while (we’re talking years at a whack) do we get to see each other. It’s not too often he’s in Juneau, and it’s pretty rare these days that I’m in Tacoma.

Well, today, after work, I got a message on my cell that he was in town!  After getting home and dropping things off, Heather and I took off to find him downtown. Despite his supposed being at dinner, we couldn’t find him, and later tracked him down with family at the Red Dog Saloon.

It’s always great to see him, and while I’m not sure how to be a sensitive caring brother since the role is fairly new (my younger brother and I don’t really get along that well due to a variety of issues), I’m always excited to spend a little more time with him as building relationships is often based on time spent with one another.

Anyhow, we got out of the Red Dog and decided to run out to my mom’s house to drop off a couple items in our “storage unit” (aka her spare bedroom), and of course to share the surprise of Nick being in town.

It was neat to sit and chat despite our mutually “crooked” family tree, and to sit and compare the little things like the similarities of our hands. While it’s overlooked in most sibling relationships, it was somehow odd for me as a 29 year old to reflect on the fact that I’ve never been able to compare myself to my father – I relied on other’s recollection. Today I had a chance to look for similarities based on the fact that we’re both our father’s sons.

So why did I call this post “Saint Nick”? Well, truth be told, I wanted to incorporate his name, and it fit… But more than that, even though he’s somewhere near 6 and 1/2 feet tall, he has an amazingly gentle spirit. Maybe it’s the family connection thing, but I’ll use my inter-rater reliability (Heather noticed too) which means it must be true, right? He’s got a genuine smile, and enjoys sharing it, especially now that he’s been able to get his knocked-out tooth replaced! 🙂

Regardless, it’s fun to have him in town, to look at our similarities (our hands) and differences (our height), and to get to know him that much better.

A few pictures from the evening (as proof of the size difference – remember I’m only 6′). Thanks Heather for snapping the shots (and A+ for using the rule of thirds!)

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Birds Galore

I’ve been out taking more pictures of birds lately. Both yesterday and today I was up and out of the house by 5am in order to catch the low tide and have some time to collect images before heading to work. I’m finding quite a bit of enjoyment in the process, and today, I even found a dozen weighted treble hooks so maybe I’ll do some fishing soon!

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This morning I got up early again to head out to the nearby areas that I’d expect eagles to be hanging out… I found 15+ at Dipac, but they were just sitting around on the nearby shipping containers and not actually doing anything exciting. I decided to move on to see what else I could find. I eventually made it out to the Auke Rec area and slightly past. Near Lena Loop, I found the “golfball in the trees” (an Eagle’s white head) that was low enough for me to warrant a closer look. As I pulled up to park on the shoulder, looking off to my left where the eagle was sitting, another eagle had been in the grass on the side of the road another 30 yards ahead of my parking spot. I hopped out and found that there had been some roadkill that had eagles hanging out to get a snack. I spent some quality time waiting for the eagles to do something more exciting than just sitting on a tree branch, but they can be a patient creature. Eventually, there was some movement and I got the following shots (beware, the deer has it’s ribcage exposed if you don’t like “gore”):

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More Birds

Headed out again yesterday with Herb to see if we could find some eagles; we didn’t have much luck in the afternoon heat, but we did find some other birds… Here they are!

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