Stardate: 201008172200

Yes, “stardate” is an obscure reference, but maybe it fits better than not. (The number in the title above points to yesterday around 10pm.) The Bennett’s are now making an effort to create a video log in order to capture quick segments of what’s going on in life. I’ll post them here as well as on a youtube channel, so stay tuned to future installments. It’s my grand desire to create short clips each week and that at the end of a year to put together a DVD so that we can quickly see a year in review (and so can future generations). It gives us the ability to keep friends and family up-to-date on current goings-ons too, so it is a many-birds-one-stone approach. Kinda cool.

Take a look!

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Recent Happenings

I feel like I’ve been slightly lax with my updates. A lot has happened since my last posting, so I’ll try to catch you up with a quick photo essay. Read on past the jump to see the last week at a glance.

Chatting with my Family

While it may seem relatively innocent to the untrained eye, it’s rather unusual for me to sit down with extended family to have a chat. I grew up in Juneau, and while I had some opportunity to meet my mom’s side of the family during trips to Nebraska, it was fairly rare for me to have any interaction with my dad or his side of the family. This is from our recent trip to Anchorage and Soldotna. It was amazing to me to sit down and just soak up information about my dad’s side of the family. I have more family than I knew of, and it was great getting to see my uncle again after some 20 years. His wife, Ellen, is wonderful and oh-so-hospitable too! It was a real treat to introduce/reacquaint our family with more of my family!
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An important read. I’m not sure of the original source, nor do I particularly care. The message is profound. Please read and remember… Continue reading

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Beavers & Marmots, Oh My!

This morning I awoke around 4:45 and figured I’d head outside to see what kind of wildlife was out and about. The air had a pink hue to it. I can only imagine how spectacular the sunrise must have been above the clouds to give everything such a glow and still have an overcast sky.

I had originally thought to hang out with the bears at the Mendenhall Glacier along the ecology trail, but for whatever reason they were nowhere to be seen in my two loops of searching. So I headed off to more productive areas… Or so I thought.

Next stop was DIPAC. This summer the grounds have been crawling with no less than 20 eagles enjoying their breakfast of abandoned fish corpses. Today, there was only one that I saw, and he was sitting atop a nearby building. The only birds feasting this morning was a giant flock of seagulls. Kind of boring in the photography realm if you ask me. Determined not to be out done, I took to North Douglas hoping to see a deer along the side of the road.

No deer spotted at all, but I did happen upon a busy beaver and their offspring swimming along, as well as a hoary marmot enjoying some oceanside views. I’d say it was a successful morning. Plus I picked up some modular shelving at a moving sale in the area! Score!

[slideshow id=15]

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Sweethearts Forever

To Heather:

Aside from my spiritual relationship, you are the single most important person in my life. Thank you for being my friend, my lover, and my supporter. I’m eternally joyful that we had the good fortune to find each other early in life. May our journey continue with as much twitterpated flirtationĀ as this couple, if not more!

And to quote a familiar song:

You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me.

Now, take a look at this video – and know that I cherish you and our future together!

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