Hi everyone,
Sorry for the (digital) radio silence as of late. I have been responding to texts and emails intermittently, but have not signed into Facebook since earlier this week. I’m excited to see all your comments when I clear the deck of other duties.
As you likely know, we were handed Alora Grace Bennett on Wednesday evening, but with the labor and recovery, being on a computer (or phone) is not much of a priority. Surprise, surprise. Heather and Alora are doing amazing. It’s remarkable how rewarding it is to me to simply watch Heather in her element of Motherhood…
It is my goal to write up the experience soon so that it’s still fresh in mind – I’d like to have that posted by the end of the day… We’ll see if I can process all of the experience in the next few hours amidst other responsibilities.
Thanks for being our friends. I’ll be in touch soon.